On September 11th, the Real4Reg project partners convened virtually for a meeting that addressed key aspects of the collaborative initiative. The meeting covered a range of topics, including progress reports from working groups and challenges in OMOP mapping and data access. Despite the virtual format, participants engaged actively, demonstrating their commitment to advancing their collective goals.
There were reports from each work package presenting the work developments, ongoing tasks and future plans, prompting discussions and questions from project partners. The meeting also featured a conversation on standardising and converting the project’s diverse healthcare data sources into the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model (OMOP CDM) for unified analysis and research. The partners were able to share their experiences and queries.
The success of this virtual meeting underscores the dedication of project partners to overcome challenges and advance their collaborative efforts. As we move forward, we are well-equipped to tackle the complexities of the project and achieve meaningful results.